Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ice the Dolphins

Runners are strange. It’s 10:30 pm and here I sit, alone, on the edge of the tub with my legs in a five-gallon bucket of ice. Alice and the Fatsos think I’m addicted. In fact, Alice has said more than once how I like icing my legs more than going to bed with her. It’s not true. The St. George marathon is less than six weeks away and things are getting weirder - as usual. 
Today we all had to squeeze in our run during work. That is during lunch. I’m not sure just how hot it was but I think we were pushing 100 degrees (the weather says 96).The Fatsos ran together and one of the twins got really sick. I ran alone. After my run I sent a text to Fatso to see how theirs went. 
putting down an ice soda. How was your run Fatso?
you TUB---O---LARD
ours sucked. I actually got sick from the heat, never happened to me before
migrane, diareahh, chills
not good. I went at noon too. Too hot not fun.
Fatso felt good, didn’t happen to him
I don’t think it’s smart to run in the heat like this
im feeling good now
yea, when it gets close to 100 its not smart
Ya gotta get your workout in. There’s no skippin’ this close to the marathon. That’s why you have to ice those dolphins. If you don’t recover from your last run, how are you going to be up for the next one. Friday will be here soon and it will be time for a 20 miler. So I have to ice. I don’t have a choice. The question is whether to ice at night before bed, or in the morning and before bed.

1 comment:

  1. I work for a physical therapist and sports med clinic and we always have marathon runners coming in here. One of the biggest things the PT's push is to ice ice ice so you're actually quite smart! By the way they do free sports assessments if you need anything checked out before your marathon...ankles, knees, hips, etc.
