Monday, August 1, 2011

Why Fatso?

After our workout Monday night everyone at the fat-farm was bugging me about posting to the blog. I was feeling like I was getting pecked because see, a journal is not that interesting and nothing out of the ordinary happened. So why should I try to write something about nothing?
Then smart Alice started in on this thing about how I need to tell everyone about the Fatso Running Club, and why it is, and who it is, and how it came to be. And other things like what kind of stuff should be included in the blog and what should definitely be left out. And whether there should be a warning message to all who enter.
I don’t know. As I sit here and write, and re-write, about the fatsos it kind of diminishes the brotherhood. If you know us - you understand. If you don’t know us, I recommend you get to know us - you won’t regret it; and who knows you might start calling your closest friends fatso too.
Since this is a running club. . .
Monday nights we do interval workouts. For these we like to go to the high school track. The track provides a nice flat course and makes it easy to measure distance. Currently we are doing 800 meter intervals at about a three minute pace. This time it was the twins, fatso jr and myself. Fatso jr and I thought the triplet would show this week but he stayed home again to watch TV and work on his lardis. This week we expanded from six intervals to seven. These are killers and we hate 'em. Also, there was a little debate about the inside lane. We started to jockey for the inside lane 'cuz the twins thought there was an advantage. Only I found out there was an advantage; and a big one at that. So I had to swallow some pride and work a little harder this time. The little twins didn't show for the second week in a row. With only about 60 days until the St George marathon we are getting a little worried about whether the little twins are going to stick with it. They are young enough though that they will do fine if they choose. I guess its time to apply some pressure to the fatties to get them out.

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